We are already 1/3 of the way through our season and the AFL is almost half way through and whilst it's been pretty busy so far the next month will be our busiest. But first a bit of a recap. The numbers at training especially have been exceptional and whilst we knew it was going to be tight some weeks, I've been very buoyant about the numbers on game day. The Mandurah carnival was a bit disappointing and I'll put my hand up and say we got that wrong. I saw it working out a little differently to how it did. Besides the incident in round 1, all games have been played the Masters way and the our new members have all been welcome contributors. Moving forward our next 4 weeks are pretty full on. Starting Wednesday we have team Ambo getting some Pork on your Fork for Choke the Chicken, as well as our $50 Emily Taylor voucher up for grabs and some additional entertainment so come on down and get a last minute session in before the weekend. On Saturday we head up to Ridgewood Park in Ridgewood for Quinns home carnival. Our games are as follows:
Seniors v Quinns starting at 5.20pm
Supers v Quinns starting at 6.25pm
Masters v Vic Park starting at 7.30pm
We have organised a bus and it will be leaving no later than 3.30pm from Gil Fraser on Saturday afternoon, and will be picking us up at 9.45pm from Ridgeway to return us to The Gil. Cost for the bus is $20 and refreshments for the return journey will be provided by the club. As of last Wednesday night there was 34 signed up for the bus and there is still more room. Come see me Wednesday to get on and fix us up. There will be no training on Wednesday May 31. Game 1 of the NRL State of Origin is on and we are heading down as a club to Ballers Sports bar, a gold sponsor of ours to watch the game. Please make yourself available for this and help show our sponsors our appreciation. On the long weekend for Western Australia day we will be taking a team to the Annual Busselton Carnival. Games are played on Sunday the 4th of June at Bovell Oval on the corner of Vasse Highway and Bussell Highway. Bucko's sister and brother in law kindly make their property available to us to camp on each year. Come see me if you are interested just so I can give them an indication of numbers. There will be campers Saturday and Sunday night. If you're not camping but still wanting to play and haven't got your name down please let me know. As I said it is busy. We then have the following weekend off and then it's the lead up to our home game. Wednesday June 14 it's VC's turn for Choke the Chicken and his dish will be Seafood. This will be monumental as it has been the most winningest dish in the history of CTC and I am trying to organise a guest judge for the event. Then Friday June 16 is our major event of the year. A celebration of the club turning 40 years old. We are holding a cocktail style night at the National and inviting as many past players that we can get in touch with to come and share in our celebration and reminisce about the clubs history. All players and partners are invited and the cost will be $65 a ticket which will include food and drink for the evening. Keep an eye out for further details. And the grand finale will be our home game at Gil Fraser on June 18. As usual our games will be the first 3 fixtures of the day, with the Seniors playing the Crocs at 9am, Supers v Ellenbrook at 10.10 am and Masters playing Northern Warriors at 11.20am. There will be face painting for the kiddies and if the weather looks good, possibly a bouncy castle, and free champagne for the ladies. We expect to have a number of past players come down as well. On top of this we will hold our wine raffle so if each of you can bring a bottle from your collection and we will bundle them into lots of 6 and raffle them off during the day. This is our one day to show our club off to the comp so we need all hands on deck all day, but especially for the setup in the morning which will begin about 7.30, and the pack up which is usually around 5.30pm. There is always things to do during the day such as selling raffle tickets, stocking the beer tent and emptying bins so make yourself available and the day will run smoothly. And then we breath, before we prepare for the indigenous round where we get to unveil our jumper designed by Wardong. Once again thanks for all your efforts through the start of the season and i look forward to it continuing. See you Wednesday!
Il Presidente
